Terms of Service
By dedicating a tree in the Watts community, you are committing to care for and look after your dedicated tree. Please take notice of the tree care instructions you will receive after your submission.
Please note that although there are water restrictions in the City of Los Angeles, these do NOT apply to watering trees.
See LA County’s water restriction guide here.
- Q: Can I water my bushes/plants and trees?
- A: Watering of plants and trees is allowed without restriction. The use of water is not prohibited to the extent necessary to ensure the health of trees and other perennial non-turf plantings or to the extent necessary to address an immediate health and safety need.
If the tree needs any special attention (ex: tree has been vandalized, tree is suffering in some way), please reach out to us via email: wattsrisingtreededication@gmail.com.
Watts Rising has the right to redact a tree dedication and make it available for alternative dedications if the dedicated tree is showing signs of neglect.
If you have questions about these Terms of Service, please reach out by email to wattsrisingtreededication@gmail.com.